Saturday, February 18, 2017

Beach Baby ~

“Be easy
Take your time.
You are coming
To yourself.”
-Nayyirah Waheed

With each anticipated step up the rickety boardwalk, dense salted air detoxes my lungs, a bitter taste refuses to part with my hungry tongue, suggesting I won’t be the same after I leave.

The ocean’s orchestra becomes louder, exciting my soul and aligning my rhythm with its as I step barefoot into the sun-kissed sand.

Although annoying, seeming to get in every nook and cranny, I think sand was made miniscule for a reason. Each grain is designed to fit, filling in where skin lacks; completion. I dig my toes in a little deeper.

Each coming wave is a reminder to breathe.

Breathe in the solace of the sea. Breathe in the goodness and the authenticity and the comfort of the waves performing for you. I feel grounded and afloat all at once.

Breathe out the anxiety, the fears, the stress, the negativity. The sea is big enough to drown what taints your heart, let her do her work.

The crashing of wave after wave, the pulse of the ocean, a reminder She is a living being just as you are. Be still and let your heartbeat match up with the current of the seas. Let the ocean calm your restless heart, the burdens you carry were not made for you.

Be still.

Sometimes there are simple moments dressed in Joy, where Time seems to stand still and all you know is Invincibility – O how important those moments are.

Stand in awe of something bigger.

Relish in the paradoxical power of Her Majesty: calm, reflective, infinite; harsh, malicious, angry. Something with such grand power and capability to destroy eagerly awaits the chance to wash away your darkness. Funny how you can feel so small and yet so free.

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