Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Imagine waking up one morning without burdens, without a heavy heart, without weight on your shoulders, or devious thoughts racing through your head.

Imagine going a day without feeling guilt or resentment; your past not haunting you, the grey cloud above you vanished. No more fighting to suppress your fears and anxieties, no more failed attempts to quiet the sick voice in your head feeding negative thoughts into a vulnerable and damaged mind. No more shape shifting into someone you're not, no more giving up, no more hopelessness. You're not trapped in paralytic conviction.

Imagine waking up and everything feels different. Good different. Feels new, almost, except everything is how you left it. You feel refreshed and clean, like when you wake up from a much needed sleep to crisp air and the sun shining, not like you just woke up from an accidental nap in a state of panic and confusion.

Like finally you're free; the shackles are broken, the weight has been lifted. Your armor can be put down. You don't feel alone and you feel like you can actually, finally handle things. All of a sudden you realize all of the innate capabilities you were born with. They're not new, but it feels like it. You've had them all along.

Imagine waking up everyday like this. Refreshed and ready to conquer. Your slate is clean. It's a new day.

That's what grace does.

Christ showed us grace by dying on the cross, His blood used to wash away our sins day after day after day for all of eternity. It's like each day we, mere humans, dirty our canvas with sin and burden and regret and shame and worry and all sorts of stains we think are too rich to get out, and Christ stands ready to scrub and scrub until all is gone and our canvas is restored. He knows how hard struggles may be and how severely things hurt and how truly we ache, but He showed us His unfaltering determination and perseverance through His faultless life enduring strife and pain.

What defeats us, He already defeated. What holds reign over us could never hold reign over Him.

Imagine waking up and realizing you're not alone, there is a meticulous and sovereign God ready and eager to take on your biggest burdens and overcome your fears, anxieties, and guilt. Your battle's already been won by the undefeated King.

Not to say you'll wake up fully refreshed with birds delicately landing on your shoulder singing sweet songs to wake you up. Things will still be how you left them. Conflicts may still need to be resolved, things might need to be fixed. It might take time. You'll hurt and you'll hurt often. But you won't ever be alone. You'll have a constant reminder that you are well equipped with the tools to combat all troubles of this world because He is in you and that's all you could ever need. Nothing can hold power to you because nothing can hold power to the right hand of God. Nothing can defeat you because it's not you fighting anymore. The one who created all into being from breath, who created man from dust, who diminished the sting from death, who rose again; He is fighting in your honor.

It doesn't mean that everything will be perfect, it just means that everything will be okay. For today, for tomorrow, and for the rest of eternity.

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